Première journée mondiale de la bicyclette, Dimanche 3 Juin 2018!
Les Nations Unies, ont pris la décision et la superbe initiative de faire de ce 3 Juin 2018, la première journée mondiale de la bicyclette!
- Parce qu’il s’agit d’un moyen simple, abordable, fiable, propre et un moyen écologique de se déplacer,
- La vélo est un outil pour le développement et n’est pas juste un moyen de transport, mais permet l’accès à l’éducation, la prévention d’une bonne santé et la pratique du sport,
- la synergie entre le vélo et son utilisateur entretient la créativité et un engagement social et apporte à l’utilisateur une conscience immédiate sur son environnement local,
- Le vélo est un symbole d’un mode de transport écologique et communique un message positif pour entretenir une production et une consommation responsables, le vélo procure un impact positif sur le climat!
On June 3, 2018, the first official World Bicycle Day will be celebrated.
Why celebrate the bicycle?
- The bicycle is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation;
- The bicycle can serve as a tool for development and as a means not just of transportation but also of access to education, health care and sport;
- The synergy between the bicycle and the user fosters creativity and social engagement and gives the user an immediate awareness of the local environment;
- The bicycle is a symbol of sustainable transportation and conveys a positive message to foster sustainable consumption and production, and has a positive impact on climate.

A view of the Great Mosque of DjennЋ, designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988 along with the old town of DjennЋ, in the central region of Mali.
World Bicycle Day:
- Encourages Member States to devote particular attention to the bicycle in cross-cutting development strategies and to include the bicycle in international, regional, national and subnational development policies and programmes;
- Encourages Member States to improve road safety and integrate it into sustainable mobility and transport infrastructure planning and design, in particular through policies and measures to actively protect and promote pedestrian safety and cycling mobility, with a view to broader health outcomes, particularly the prevention of injuries and non-communicable diseases;
- Encourages stakeholders to emphasize and advance the use of the bicycle as a means of fostering sustainable development, strengthening education, including physical education, for children and young people, promoting health, preventing disease, promoting tolerance, mutual understanding and respect and facilitating social inclusion and a culture of peace;
- Encourages Member States to adopt best practices and means to promote the bicycle among all members of society, and in this regard welcomes initiatives to organize bicycle rides at the national and local levels as a means of strengthening physical and mental health and well-being and developing a culture of cycling in society.